Wellness is an inside job that’s projected outside.

To advance my knowledge I engaged in continuing education courses:

  • 2017 - Obtained my certification in personal training from ISSA

  • 2019 - graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

  • 2020 - Added INN’s Gut Health course to my resume.  The gut really is the second brain and affects our entire health profile.

  • 2021 - Graduated from the  Hormone Health Course.  This course deals with estrogen, testosterone, insulin and other hormones.

  • 2021 - Graduated from the Emotional Eating course from IIN learning how so many people use food to fill a void or as a means of control and the toll emotions can take on our health.

  • 2022 - Currently I am enrolled in Dr. Bulsiewicz’s Gut Masterclass.

You may be wondering where to start on your health journey.  My commitment to you as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach is to help you reach your goals.  My plans are individualized, so no matter where you are on your health journey, be ready to reach higher and feel the Ripple Effect of good health.