Flu Season Is Here! Keep the Bug Away

The change of season from summer to fall to winter always brings on cold and flu season! YUCK!

To help avoid these nasty bugs try implementing some of these tips:

- Eat lots of fruits and veggies… especially those high in vitamin C. Studies show a healthy diverse microbiome bolsters our immune system.

- Movement. Daily movement/exercise decreases inflammation and increases the immune system. Don't have time for an hour-long workout? Get little amounts in during the day.

- Drink lots of water and herbal teas. Staying hydrated assists our bodies in flushing out toxins and viruses.

- Good quality sleep. Try going to bed and rising at the same time every day to create good sleep habits to give our bodies much-needed rest and repair time.

- Take extra Vitamins C, D, Zinc, and Elderberry. If you feel some sniffles coming on or you have been around someone with them up your intake of these supplements for an extra boost.

- Sunshine. The absolutely best way to increase your vitamin D levels. Too cold to be outdoors? Sit near a sunny window. Open those shades and blinds and let the sunshine in.

- Build your natural immunities. Continue your activities, be around others (unless they are sick), workout, run errands, etc. Being exposed to other germs builds up your immune system. All germs or bacteria DO NOT make us sick.

Think about babies...they are constantly touching things and putting their fingers in their mouths. Every time they are exposed to a new germ they build up an antibody to that germ. This happens quite often but no one ever stops to think or talk about it.

I hope you implement some or all of these tips and stay healthy!


Holiday Health and Wellness List 2022


Get extra hydration with these greens!