The Health Benefits of Cacao

We have all heard that dark chocolate has lots of health benefits. And yes it does. As I explained in an earlier post the problem arises when ingredients are ADDED to the cacao. So I am going to give you a little tutorial (cliff notes) on how chocolate is made and the difference between CACAO AND COCOA. (And if you already know then extra points for you!)

The process starts with the cacao pods growing on trees. When the pods have reached maturity they are hand picked and the cacao beans are inside the pods. The beans can be eaten at this point but they are pretty bitter. The beans are fermented, covered with banana leaves, then dried and roasted. At this point, they smell absolutely divine! (Kind of like when coffee beans are roasted.) After being roasted the beans are ground and pressed. Some stay in the form of cacao nibs and others are refined down chocolate liquor. This is where cacao starts to lose a large amount of health benefits. The liquor contains ZERO alcohol. Ingredients are added to the chocolate liquor to become the chocolate we know today.

Let's be very clear- Cacao is a superfood with tons of health benefits. Cocoa with the added ingredients and processing is NOT a superfood. Hershey's cocoa powder, although a single ingredient, is not a superfood. Cacao can be part of a healthy diet. Cocoa should only be used as an OCCASIONAL treat. Everything in moderation!!  (I am not here to argue the points of consuming chocolate. I am here to inform and enjoy chocolate too!)

The health benefits of CACAO:

- an excellent  source of magnesium
- one of the highest sources of antioxidants- 40x that of blueberries
- contains many micronutrients like manganese & potassium
- rich in fiber (who knew?)
- contains flavanols that have a PRE biotic effect on the gut
- very high in iron
- a natural mood elevator and antidepressant

There is a cacao tea (not hot chocolate) but a different beverage made with water and spices such as cinnamon, allspice and black pepper (All spices with their own health benefits). This is a healthy way to add cacao to your diet. Also, adding cacao nibs to smoothies, yogurt and oatmeal to reap those health benefits!

So when you are looking at chocolate, look at the ingredients first! And maybe look for a new way to incorporate the benefits of cacao!


Holiday Health and Wellness List 2023


Avoid Wrapping Food in Aluminum: Use Parchment!