Eating Healthy while traveling

Here are the snacks I packed for the road.

Let’s face it .. the price of everything is going up and airport food is no exception. Besides being expensive, airport food can be stale, outdated and of low quality. If in a cooler was it sitting out for a period of time? What are the chances of finding a grass-fed burger, wild caught fish or gluten-free bread?

When traveling I ALWAYS take not only snacks but also meals “just in case” I can’t find anything that fits into my way of eating. (And yes, I have gotten some teasing about it, but it sure comes in handy!!) It’s less expensive than the airport food, is fresh and I know what the ingredients are! Airport security has gotten less restrictive about examining my food. (thankfully) Just know your time limit and don’t take things that can’t stay out of refrigeration for very long.

Ideas for meals:

These veggies are all good raw:

  • Cherry tomatoes

  • Cucumbers

  • Carrots

  • Cauliflower

  • Broccoli

  • Peppers

And honestly, if I am eating soon after arriving at the airport I will bring plain cooked veggies. Or a plain baked sweet potato. You never want to bring anything with cheese, butter or milk.  It doesn't always have to be a salad.

Packs of tuna, salmon, chicken, and meat jerky ( low sodium) are easy to slide into your carry-on. Or a quinoa or veggie pasta dish or even a bean salad in a throw-away container… you know.. the plastic container your takeout came in or the greens from the farmers market.

For snacks:

My go-to is a sliced apple to dip into a single serving size container of SunButter®. It’s super filling and has filled in for a meal before!


You can also purchase a cup of steamed milk from Starbucks and add collagen peptides or a good, quality protein powder. Or a cup of hot water and add a bone broth protein to it.

(I am suggesting steamed milk/ Alternative milk/hot water because the airport or airplane can be cold and a warm drink can be very satisfying.)

If you purchase a prepackaged “on the go” meal be sure to READ THE INGREDIENTS!!! I have found parabens in packaged food!! (It’s a preservative typically found in cosmetics and skincare that wreaks havoc on hormones and the endocrine system.) Many times these prepackaged foods have extra sodium and preservatives that your gut does not need. 

If you choose to eat airport food look for hummus and veggies or salads with tuna or grilled chicken or boiled eggs. Starbucks also has egg bites which are nutritious. Or if possible go for a soup ( I know I know August is too hot for soup!) Save the burger and fries for your favorite restaurant of choice ( not a fast food place).

So where do I shop?

I grab things when I see them.  It may be Target, Sprouts, Whole Foods, Trader Joes or Ingles or even online! I grab items when I see them.  So If you have travels in your future be on the lookout for some of these items!

Happy Trails!




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